AI powered crainotomic assistant systems.


faster learning curve

One of the best AI

models in the world are used.


with all types of devices.

Effective Learning

Personalized Surgery Simulations

KORTEKS systems are designed to provide a realistic surgical experience for surgeons and trainees. Our systems are designed to be used in a variety of environments, from the operating room to the classroom. Giving surgeons and trainees the ability to practice and learn in a safe environment.


Efficient Artificial Intelligence

AI Powered Medical Imaging

This system is not only a simulation, but also a powerful AI tool. It can be used to analyze medical images and provide a diagnosis. One of the best machine learning algorithms are used to analyze the images. The system can be used to analyze CT scans, MRI scans, and X-rays.

Easy Visualistaion Of Medical Data

Augmented Reality Powered Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

With KORTEKS AR app and software, doctors can visualize medical data in 3D which analysed with the ML model. This allows them to better understand the patient's condition and plan the best treatment.


All In One

Easy To Use Modern Apps, Compatible With Most Devices

Our apps are designed to be easy to use and compatible with most devices. All 3 modules mentioned above are available and can be operated in one app.